Project information
School and Health for the 21st Century
- Project Identification
- MSM0021622421
- Project Period
- 1/2005 - 12/2011
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
- prof. PhDr. Evžen Řehulka, CSc.
- doc. PhDr. Mgr. Tomáš Čech, Ph.D.
- doc. MgA. Jana Frostová, Ph.D.
- doc. PaedDr. Hana Horká, CSc.
- doc. MUDr. Petr Kachlík, Ph.D.
- prof. PhDr. Rudolf Kohoutek, CSc.
- prof. PhDr. Marie Marečková, DrSc., dr. h.c.
- doc. PaedDr. Vladislav Mužík, CSc.
- PhDr. Mgr. Leona Mužíková, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Vladislav Navrátil, CSc.
- RNDr. Mgr. Alice Prokopová, Ph.D.
- PhDr. Radovan Rybář, Ph.D.
- PhDr. Jaroslav Řezáč, CSc.
- doc. RNDr. PhDr. Mojmír Stojan, CSc.
- doc. Ing. Jiří Strach, CSc.
- doc. PhDr. Stanislav Střelec, CSc.
- Mgr. Hana Šeráková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Marek Trávníček
- prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Vaculík, CSc.
- PhDr. Jana Veselá, PhD.
- Mgr. Jaroslav Vrbas, Ph.D.
- PhDr. Mgr. Iva Žaloudíková, Ph.D.
- Other MU Faculty/Unit
Faculty of Medicine
- prof. MUDr. Jan Holčík, DrSc.
- prof. MUDr. Drahoslava Hrubá, CSc.
- Keywords
- health education, physical health, mental health, social health, grammar school system, spreventative programmes
The project deals with the issues of sound lifestyle and healthy behaviour that school can and should have influence upon; it wants to give school the information that would enable to ensure more effective health education of the young generation mainly. The goal of the project is a complex view at the position of the health issues in its physical and social components into the basic school education, formation of methodological and methodical conception of education and health support and the verification of evaluation tools used to determining the effectiveness of health consciousness (skills, knowledge, attitudes and responsibility) of a pupil as well as school as an institution.
Total number of publications: 1360
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