Summer Schools

Summer School is a great opportunity to learn about sports in an interactive way through experience.
You will study and then directly apply your knowledge in practice. You will get the chance to test yourself, analyze the results and learn how to improve as an individual or as a team.
The academic programme will take you to our classrooms, gyms and labs, while the social activities will bring you to the historic city centre of Brno and Vienna.
Sports Sciences and Outdoor Education
14-27 july 2024 │ 4 ECTS │ BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC
Two weeks of scientific sports knowledge brought to practice combined with outdoor sports activities in a Czech nature
Holistic programme on human athletic performance includes all we need to consider to improve and stay healthy. Apart from interactive classes with group work, discussions, and practical exercises, the students will have a chance to test themselves and operate our laboratory equipment.
- laboratory performance testing and analysis
- strength and conditioning training principles & design
- correct exercise techniques
- nutritional strategies and dietary supplements in sports
- kinesiotherapy, regeneration
- sports massage techniques
- injury prevention and recovery
- team psychology and motivation
The program will let you explore the Czech countryside via typical summer activities like hiking, river paddling, bouldering and rock climbing.