Sebepéče v každodenním životě: Klíč k fyzickému i duševnímu zdraví


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Self-care in everyday life: The Key to Physical and Mental Health


Year of publication 2024
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Self-care is a key factor in maintaining and promoting overall health and plays a vital role in all phases of healthcare, from prevention to palliative care. Current research confirms that the practice of self-care contributes significantly to improved quality and length of life. It is an essential element of physical and mental health promotion, based on the Seven Pillars theory, which focuses on a holistic approach to health care. Key areas of this theory include health literacy, mental wellbeing, physical activity, healthy eating and more. The workshop focuses on practical self-care methods and their implementation in daily life, with participants receiving worksheets covering each aspect of self-care. Ample time will also be given to focused discussion on the topic. The aim of the workshop is to equip participants with practical and effective tools that will enable them to apply the theoretical knowledge of self-care in their daily lives.
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