Práce s autentickým literárním textem v hodinách francouzštiny očima vyučujících (dokončení)


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Title in English Working with authentic literary text in an FFL classroom through teachers' eyes (Part II)


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Cizí jazyky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords authentic literary text; French as a foreign language; reading in a foreign language; literary text in a foreign language classroom; French literature; quantitative survey; questionnaire survey; semi-structured interview; secondary school
Description This paper is the second part of the an article, which, based on the results of a qantitative survey, presents the importance of working with an authentic literary text in French as a foreign language (FFL) B1 level classrooms. The article evaluates the results of a questionnaire survey among secondary school teachers of FFL in the Czech Republic. The results are further supplemented by data obtained from three semi-structured interviews. Part of the presented data are specific literary works which the respondents used in their FFL classrooms, and which could serve as inspiration for the reader for future work with authentic literary text in their own FFL classrooms.
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