Inkluze a stále ještě diskuze aneb Sjednocené sporty ve Speciálních olympiádách

Title in English Inclusion - still discussion: Unifi ed Sports in the Specal Olympics


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Aplikované pohybové aktivity v teorii a praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

web URL výsledku
Keywords person with intellectual disability; leisure time activities; adapted physical activities; Special Olympics; unified sports; project Healthy athlete
Description The inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities is a debated topic. It is often narrowed down to inclusion within so-called academic (cognitive) education, where the success of individuals with mental disabilities (MD) is very problematic. The starting point is the SO initiative, which off ers the concept of inclusion of people with MD through leisure activities, specifi cally so-called unifi ed sports. The article presents recent Special Olympics (SO) projects adequate for the involvement of class or school groups. The principles of unifi ed physical activities and sports are described, in which both intact pupils and their classmates without MD work together. The Czech SO off ers sports such as: table tennis, bocce, bowling, 3×3 basketball, small football, throw-over-net. The individual positions of students with and without MD are explained, allowing to choose the type of this position, which ensures the so-called inclusive culture of the school. The importance of leisure activities is underlined. The concept of inclusion in a lifelong context and through unifi ed sports is linked to the SO Healthy Athlete and Healthy Community program. There it is again possible to support personality development through specifi c physical activity, with respect for the student‘s limits and without unnecessary bureaucratic burden.

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