Title in English The experience wih the aplication of neurodevelopmental stimulation - Case study


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Aplikované pohybové aktivity v teorii a praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

web https://www.apa.upol.cz/2021-12-1/publication#page/35
Keywords sensorimotor development; persistent primitive reflexes; specific learning difficulties; ADHD; adapted physical activity
Description Primitive reflexes are essential for the baby´s survival in the first few weeks of life, and they provide rudimentary training for many voluntary skills. However, in the course of the development of the nervous system, these reflexes should be inhibited or controlled by higher centres of the brain. According to current evidence, the persistence of primitive reflexes could also be related to specific learning difficulties or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is often linked with some kind of motor problems. The objective of the article is to present experience with individual application of Intervention program of neurodevelopment stimulation (NVS). The case study shows, that exercises of NVS could be realized individually and in bigger groups as a part of the classroom routine. We recommend introducing with NVS principles to teachers and workers in the consulting system
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