Analýza potřeb studentů odborného francouzského jazyka v přípravě na pracovní stáže ve Francii


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Title in English Needs analysis of students of French for specific purposes in preparation for work mobility in France


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source CASALC Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Communication situations; French for specific purposes; internships; interviews; needs analysis
Description The article treats context of a doctoral research whose goal is to gather information on the content of internships of Czech and Slovak students in French public administration institutions, to identify communication situations the students get into and the tasks they have to complete. A pilot research based on interviews with the sample of students of the French-Czech study program Public administration (Administration publique) of the Faculty of Economy and Administration that were carried out shortly after the end of the internships in 2018 and problematic situations and topics were identified and analyzed in the view of elements missing in the preparation prior to departure. At the end of article, possibilities of improvement of preparation of the students before their departure and the next steps of the doctoral research are discussed.
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