Vplyv maximálnej silovej intervencie na zmenu pomeru sily flexorov a extenzorov kolenného kĺbu

Title in English The Influence of Maximal Strength Intervention on Change Flexor Strength Ratio and Extensors of Knee Joint


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kondičný tréning v roku 2018
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Keywords strength; strength intervention; knee joint; flexor knee joint; extensor knee joint
Description In our article we have proved that concentric and eccentric training had a significant effect on the ratio of knee flexors and extensors only in 2 out of 8 possible measurements. We might have been able to confirm this claim statistically if more players would be involved in the research. Despite the fact that we did not achieve statistically significant results, provided trainings are very benefical for the health. As suggested by other studies to indlude strength training in the athlete's training program is advisable in order to improve performance level as well as to prevent possible injuries.
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