Dotazovací techniky orientované na vnímání integrace v tělesné výchově (přehledová studie).

Title in English Interrogation techniques focused on perceptions of inclusion in physical education (review study)


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Tělesná kultura
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords review study, attitude scale, Faculty of Physical Culture, integration, physical education
Description The purpose of this article is to build on the systematic exploration of the attitudes of teachers, students of physical education and intact pupils toward inclusion process at primary schools at the Faculty of Physical Culture in Olomouc since the 90s of the 20th century. Summarization of the characteristics of the questionnaires which find attitudes in relation toward inclusion in phys¬ical education. Description of results of bachelor and master theses which were conducted on Faculty of Physical Culture. Analysis of document (bachelor and master theses) was used for data collection. All thesis in which was worked with attitude scales PEATH, ATIPDPE or CAIPE-CZ were included to the study. We used six keywords – integration, physical education, attitudes, ATIPDPE, CAIPE, PEATH. We included 20 theses to the study (4 bachelors and 16 masters). ATIPDPE scale was adminis¬tered in 7 theses (2 bachelors and 5 masters), CAIPE-CZ was administered in 10 theses (2 bachelor and 8 master), PEATH scale was administered in 3 master theses. This review study supported the contact theory, which says that opinions or attitudes could be influenced only in contact with the real situation.

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