Informace o projektu
SYLICA - Synergies of Life and Material Sciences to Create a New Future
- Kód projektu
- 286154
- Období řešení
- 10/2011 - 3/2015
- Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Evropská unie
- 7. rámcový program EU
- Kapacity
- Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
Středoevropský technologický institut
- prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Koča, DrSc.
- Další fakulta/pracoviště MU
Centrální řídící struktura projektu CEITEC
SYLICA principally concentrates on the missing expertise for the new core facilities of CEITEC. Through a series of workshops, seminars, postdoctoral and expert inter-ships and visits, and reintegration of experienced nationals, the project will strengthen our research potential on one hand in methodologies and techniques needed for the infrastructure, and on the other hand in the interdisciplinary research fields including studies of novel biomaterials and composites with enhanced biological and mechanical properties. SYLICA will foster strategic partnerships with prestigious EU research institutions and attract external users of the infrastructure and research results including industry. It will contribute to the vision of CEITEC as a flourishing research centre well-networked and integrated in the ERA, training a new generation of researchers, and delivering research results of top level European quality and significance.
Počet publikací: 83
Staufen1 reads out structure and sequence features in ARF1 dsRNA for target recognition
Nucleic acids research, rok: 2020, ročník: 48, vydání: 4, DOI
Efficient large-scale preparation and purification of short single-stranded RNA oligonucleotides
Biotechniques, rok: 2016, ročník: 60, vydání: 2, DOI
Nucleotides containing variously modified sugars: energetics, structure, and mechanical properties
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, rok: 2016, ročník: 18, vydání: 3, DOI
Reaction Mechanism of O-GlcNAc Transferase Explored By QM/MM Molecular Dynamics
Rok: 2016, druh: Konferenční abstrakty
Role of the upper branch of the hour-glass magnetic spectrum in the formation of the main kink in the electronic dispersion of high-T-c cuprate superconductors
Physical Review B, rok: 2016, ročník: 93, vydání: 14, DOI
Cross-correlated relaxation measurements under adiabatic sweeps: determination of local order in proteins
Journal of Biomolecular NMR, rok: 2015, ročník: 63, vydání: 4, DOI
Deposition of stable amine coating onto polycaprolactone nanofibers by low pressure cyclopropylamine plasma polymerization
Thin Solid Films, rok: 2015, ročník: 581, vydání: APR, DOI
Designing a New Class of Bases for Nucleic Acid Quadruplexes and Quadruplex-Active Ligands
Chemistry - A European Journal, rok: 2015, ročník: 21, vydání: 26, DOI
Direct evidence for dominant bond-directional interactions in a honeycomb lattice iridate Na2IrO3
Nature Physics, rok: 2015, ročník: 11, vydání: 6, DOI
Evidence for precursor superconducting pairing above T-c in underdoped cuprates from an analysis of the in-plane infrared response
New Journal of Physics, rok: 2015, ročník: 17, vydání: May, DOI