Naturalistic change trajectories within the DeePsy ROM system

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Rok publikování 2024
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Přiložené soubory
Popis This study investigates the trajectories of change among clients undergoing psychotherapy, utilizing data collected through the DeePsy web platform for routine outcome monitoring and providing feedback to the therapist. Approximately 100 clients provided over 30 self-reported repeated measurements using the CORE-10 and WHO-5 tools in a session-by-session manner, while approximately 1000 clients provided over 10 measurements so far. Our aim is to analyze this data employing growth mixture modeling allowing for random slope and random intercept. Building upon the findings of Owen et al. (2015), we hypothesize the identification of three distinct latent groups exhibiting differing trajectories of change. Furthermore, we will predict the assignment to each latent group by other variables collected in the dataset. Additionally, we aim to explore change trajectories on the individual level, offering insights into the personalized nature of psychotherapeutic outcomes. Through this comprehensive analysis, we anticipate uncovering nuanced patterns of change over time, shedding light on the dynamic processes inherent in psychotherapeutic interventions. This study might contribute to the growing body of literature on psychotherapy outcomes and could have implications for tailoring treatment strategies to individual client’s needs.
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