A gene copy number arms race in action: X,Y-chromosome transmission distortion across a species barrier


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Rok publikování 2023
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Evolution : international journal of organic evolution
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/evolut/qpad051
Klíčová slova hybridization; introgression; reproductive isolation; sex ratio; standing variation
Popis A remarkable gene copy number (CN) arms race system has recently been described in laboratory mice, where Slx;Slxl1 and Sly genes compete over transmission by altering the fertilization success of X and Y chromosome-bearing sperm, respectively. Here, we focus on this system in nature, where natural selection can counter CN/gene product escalation. Our model is house mouse subspecies hybridizing in Europe. In some regions, Y chromosomes of the Eastern subspecies have introgressed onto Western genomic backgrounds, accompanied by sex ratio distortion in favor of males, consistent with the inbred lines suggested mechanism: Overabundance of SLY protein expressed by invading Y chromosomes. We take Slx as representative of the X side of this arms race and measure Slx|Sly CN and expression across an "Invasion" transect where Ys introgress and a "Control" transect with negligible introgression. Since we found similar Slx|Sly ratios in both transects, SLY overabundance is unlikely to explain the introgression. However, Slx CN is relatively low in the introgression area, suggesting that Slx is less able to combat Sly effects here. Furthermore, deterministic changes in Slx;Sly expression proportions versus CN proportions suggest standing variation for trans regulation of Slx|Sly is being co-opted in nature where their arms race reduces population fitness.
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