Comparison of BMI Indicators in Participants in Special Olympics and Non-Sporty Children with Intellectual Disability

Název česky Porovnání BMI ukazatelů u účastníků Speciálních Olympiád a nesportujících dětí s mentálním postižením


Rok publikování 2023
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sportovních studií

Popis The goal of the study is to compare BMI indicators in children who regularly do sports, participating in the Special Olympics (SO) with non-sporty children, show the trend of BMI indicators, and to find out whether the 2-month of summer holidays have any effect on BMI indicators. An InBody device was used. Participants are children and adolescents with intellectual disability (ID). In total, four measurements of children were carried out over the course of 2 years. Total participants SO is n = 14, n = 18, n = 18, and n = 13 (13.6 ± 2.8 aged). Non-sporty children is n = 35, n = 37, n = 38, and n = 46 (12.5 ± 3.1 aged). Participants SO have 1.48 lower BMI values, 1 kg more muscle mass, and 1.3 kg less fat. During the summer holidays, participants SO have an increase in muscle mass (BMI and fat remain unchanged). For non-sporty children, all indicators decrease over the summer holidays (BMI, muscle mass, and fat). Participants SO have better results in all BMI indicators compared to non-sporty children. The results clearly show the great importance of sports and the positive effects of physical activities for children and adolescents with ID.

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