K voprosu o sredstvach vyraženija perceptivnoj semantiki v romaně Diny Rubinoj Sindrom Petruški


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Rok publikování 2019
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Philologia rossica
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

www https://www.uhk.cz/cs/pedagogicka-fakulta/pdf-1/pracoviste-fakulty/katedra-ruskeho-jazyka-a-literatury/philologia-rossica
Klíčová slova linguistic analysis; modeling; semantics of perception; art space; image
Popis In the article the review of possible ways of a research of perceptual semantics in D. Rubina’s novel “Petrushka’s Syndrome” is presented, such as analysis of linguistic units belonging to different levels, perceptual metaphors, synaesthetic combinations, modeling of separate microsubjects and studying of transpositional transfers. Special attention is paid to a role of units with perceptual semantics in the course of a text production. On the example of the description of Prague process of modeling of time and space imageries in their interaction with characters is considered.

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