How to use qualitative research to solve the mysteries of quantitative research. Mixed methods research of classroom discourse

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Rok publikování 2018
Druh Vyžádané přednášky
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Our keynote speech on mixed methods research of classroom discourse aims at beginning and experienced researchers who want to learn more about combining various methodologies in one educational research. We will describe in detail our intervention study on implementation of dialogic teaching realized in last your years. We will show why we decided to do an intervention study, how we designed a teacher development programme, and how we trained teachers in using dialogic approach. We used a quasi-experimental design of intervention study to monitor and measure the change and qualitative research to solve the mysteries of quantitative research. Our lecture has the following aims for participants: (1) to understand the logic of combining methodologies in educational research, (2) to be able to apply some of our methodological discoveries to their own research.
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