The Psychological Phenomena and Surfing: Female Lived Experience


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Rok publikování 2017
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis According to statistics, popularity of surfing has significantly grown in recent years. Moreover, with advancing possibilities to travel and with the broadening possibilities to access various information across the World, surfing is getting attention also of the inhabitants of the inland area. Many people from inland countries, including Czech Republic and Slovakia, change their life´s path to travel and surf as often as possible, regardless the high cost of energy and money. The study is in progress and our aim is to describe a lived experience of surfers from Czech Republic and Hawaii and explore the effects of surfing on a person. Another purpose is to discuss the differences between “inland” and “coastal” surfers in their motivation and experience. For the pilot study, we have interviewed 7 Czech and 7 Hawaiian surfers, using semi¬-structured phenomenological interview. The data will be analysed applying Giorgi’s phenomenological analysis. This study will serve as a source for a development of a therapeutic program using surfing as a self-development instrument. The analysis of 3 interviews with Czech female surfers will be presented in the conference poster. The results will be explained in the frame of specifics of female leisure and professional surfing.
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