The relationship between parent-initiated motivational climate and overtraining syndrome in young elite athletes


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Rok publikování 2017
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Parent-initiated motivational climate to a large extent influences experience and athlete’s view of his/her competencies. Two types of motivational climate have been identified– Ego-involving and Task-involving, each of them influences athletes differently. Researchers usually examined the relationship between motivational climate and psychosocial outcomes (e.g. adaptive or maladaptive behavioral patterns, a level of well-being, anxiety, and motivation). However, the relationship between motivational climate and the overtraining syndrome has never been studied. Purpose: The primary aim of presented study is to examine nature of the relationship between parent-initiated motivational climate and overtraining syndrome in young elite athletes. Differences between females and males, and individual and team sports will be examined. Methods: Czech versions of following questionnaires - Profile of Mood States questionnaire (POMS), Parent-Initiated Motivational Climate Questionnaire (PIMCQ-2) and questions about basic demographic data (e.g. gender, age, sports discipline). Implications: Results may be applied in sport psychology practice (e.g. preventive programmes and education about risks factors for parents and coaches). The study has been realized as a part of currently ongoing research project “Psychological Correlates of Coping in elite Athletes in the Czech Republic” (MUNI/A/0839/2016) at Department of Psychology at Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University. Results of the study will be presented at the conference.
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