Optimizmus a sociálna opora seniorov vo vzťahu k ich správaniu súvisiacemu so zdravím

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Název česky Optimismus a sociální opora seniorů ve vztahu k jejich chování souvisejícímu se zdravím


Rok publikování 2016
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Sociální procesy a osobnost 2015 : otázky a výzvy (sborník příspěvků)
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Obor Psychologie
Klíčová slova dispositional optimism; defensive pessimism; social support; seniors; health related behaviour
Popis The thesis is a partial analysis of data from the research „Health-Enhancing and Health-Threatening Behaviour: Determinants, Models, and Implications“. The thesis deals with the impact of selected constructs of optimism, dispositional optimism and defensive pessimism on health behaviour. The effect of these constructs on subjective health was also studied, as well as the health behaviour, subjective health and its relation to social support. Specifically the number of confidants, satisfaction with personal relationships and feelings of loneliness were examined. Finally the effect of age on the above mentioned areas was examined. The study is based on quantitative research. The research sample consists of 171 respondents, seniors aged 60 to 93 years. For the purpose of data collection selected methods from a complex research test battery were used: The Health Related Behaviour Scale, Subjective health inventory, Questionnaire of social support, Defensive Pessimism Questionnaire (DPQ). Dispositional optimism was measured by Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R). The strongest relations were discovered between all previously described variables and the Mental hygiene factor. Dispositional optimism and components of social support like the number of confidants and satisfaction with personal relationships proved to have a positive impact on mental hygiene. Defensive pessimism and perceived loneliness on the other hand affect this area negatively. Similar relations have also been demonstrated in the field of subjective health. Optimistic individuals and those satisfied with their relationships reported fewer health problems specifically on the level of mental health. Defensive pessimists as well as individuals who often feel lonely evinced psychological problems more often.
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