Adaptation to specific training in gravity cyclists



Rok publikování 2014
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Sborník příspěvků Mezinárodní Masarykovy konference pro doktorandy a mladé vědecké pracovníky 2014
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sportovních studií

Obor Sport a aktivity volného času
Klíčová slova motor skills; somatotype; training process
Přiložené soubory
Popis The objective of our study was to investigate somatotype, body constitution and motor skills of elite cyclists of gravity disciplines. Test group consisted of 30 riders (15 technical gravity disciplines, 15 downhill gravity disciplines). We used Heath-Carter and Matiegka methods and motor skills tests. Downhill gravity cyclists proved significantly higher muscle mass (47,2%, diff = 3,9%; p = 0,0564) and higher value of mesomorph component (5,04, diff = 0,43; p = 0,1103). Downhill gravity cyclists also proved statistically significant differences in broad jump (226,9cm, diff = 21,15cm; p = 0,042). Technical gravity cyclists proved statistically significant differencies in rotation jump (technical disciplines 547,7°, diff = 110,3°; p = 0,0074). Differences relate with characteristics of training and use of specific training methods.
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