Návštěva stipendistek Fulbrightova programu na MUNI

  • 24. března 2025
  • Fakulta sportovních studií MU

V pondělí 24. 3. 2025 dorazí na Fakultu sportovních studií MU tři studentky z USA, které do České republiky zavítaly v rámci Fullbrigthova programu. Využijte program, který pro vás připravily!

  • 13:00, E34/207 –⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Teoretická přednáška na téma Teaching and Learning: The American Experience of English Education in the Czech Republic (realizace v rámci předmětu Manažerské minimum ve sportu)
  • 15:00, Pohybová tělocvična –⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Praktický workshop zaměřený na sporty basketball a squash, kterým se v USA věnují  (realizace v rámci předmětu Core Training)
  • 16:00, Úpolová tělocvična –⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Ukázka cvičení z ROTC (reserve officers training corps) campů v USA (realizace v rámci předmětu Sebeobrana)

Pokud se chcete do programu zapojit, ozvěte se na email frantisek.hurt@fsps.muni.cz


Eliana Good: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eliana-good/ - Last May, I graduated from Hamilton College (Clinton, NY) with a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics and studio art. I was the captain of my school’s varsity squash team with whom I traveled around the East of the United States for competitions. While at Hamilton, I also enjoyed leading student hiking trips, and working at the College's art museum. Although I am no longer competing with a collegiate team, I still love staying active by playing squash, running, lifting, and doing yoga!

Currently, I am having a wonderful experience teaching English at the Gymnázium in Litomyšl. Meanwhile next year, I will work in Charlotte, North Carolina for Bank of America’s consumer and small business strategy team.

Katherine O'Neal: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherine-pottle-o-neal/I recently graduated from the University of Notre Dame (South Bend, Indiana, USA) with a degree in psychology. In May, I commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army after completing 4 years of training in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). Beginning in August 2025, I will work as a Medical Service Corps Officer (essentially hospital administration). I teach English at Gymanzium Vysoke Myto and help with psychology and PE lessons as well. A fun fact about me is that I will run my 5th half-marathon this April, which will be my first international race :)

Ashlynn Burrows: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashlynnburrows/ I graduated from Salisbury University (Salisbury, MD) in May of 2024 with a Dual Bachelor's degree in Communications and Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution, with a minor in Deaf Studies. I played on my university's Varsity Women's Basketball team for 3 years. During my college career, I worked for my university's Nationally Competitive Fellowships Office where I recruited and advised students on best practices when applying for fellowships. I also co-founded a tutoring club at the local library: English for Adults. In my free time, I love to read, travel, and am currently training for a half marathon. For my Fulbright grant, I am teaching English at střední zdravotnická škola pardubice. Next year, I plan to attend Queen's University Belfast to pursue an MA in Violence, Terrorism and Security.

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