Physical Acitivity and Health

Programme is taught only in the Czech language!
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The mission of the bachelor's professional program Movement and Health is to prepare university-educated professionals in the field of health promotion for the general or active sporting population. The aim of the study is to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to enable the graduate to perform independently within the professional competences of the programme specialisation. The graduate will be able to participate in the design and implementation of exercise and nutrition programs in the context of preventive health for the general public, such as children, adults, seniors and specific groups. The study is designed as a preparation for active work with clients in the context of a multidisciplinary perspective on healthy lifestyles, focusing primarily on exercise and nutrition, both at the individual and group level. The study at the Faculty of Sports Studies is exceptional in the extent of practical teaching, focusing primarily on the area of exercise and nutrition intervention, with an emphasis on communication skills, which enables direct application to practice. The aim of the Movement and Nutrition in Prevention curriculum is to gain a basic overview and awareness of the causes and patterns of the spread of mass non-infectious diseases and to be able to work independently with a client or group of clients to modify their lifestyle to improve their health.

The competency of the Movement and Nutrition in Prevention graduate will be to integrate elements into clients' lifestyles that have been shown to improve health, reduce stress and prevent disease. The main pillar of the study will be the design and optimization of intervention programs, especially in the area of exercise and nutrition. This will be achieved by shifting their capacity in the areas of fitness maintenance (regular PA), healthy eating, weight control, influencing biorhythms (sleep), addiction reduction and positive motivation. The graduate will be able to develop prevention plans based on biostatistical data from epidemiological studies in the area of healthy lifestyles with clearly defined goals.

The aim of the Regeneration and Nutrition in Sport curriculum is to gain a basic understanding of the athletic load on the human body and the possibilities of regeneration by various means. The aim is to teach the graduate how to properly apply these means to the regeneration plan of an individual or group.

The competence of the graduate of the study Regeneration and Nutrition in Sport is both to create and implement individual movement and nutrition programs within regeneration aimed at optimizing the recovery of the musculoskeletal, transport and metabolic system after sports training, and to create and implement individual regeneration, movement and nutrition programs within an active lifestyle in the general sporting population. The study of the program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive view of the issue of sports load, primarily from the perspective of sports training, physiology and pathophysiology of load, taking into account ontogenetic specifics. The graduate will be able to make a comprehensive initial diagnosis in the field of loading and fatigue prevention using modern technologies with subsequent evaluation and application of recovery methods in practice.

Information on admission to study

Czech language proficiency certificate

All international applicants (except for Slovaks) must submit a certificate proving their Czech language knowledge at a minimum B2 level.

Certificate of physical education doctor

All applicants must submit a certificate of doctor specialising in physical education. A list of recommended sports medics or doctors in the Czech Republic is available on the Czech Society of Sports Medicine website.


Entrance exams

All applicants will be invited for the entrance exams taking place in several different facilities in Brno, Czech Republic in May.
Applications are evaluated according to the entrance exams results by:

80% written test (in Czech)

20% practical sports exams: Jacik motor test

Preparatory courses

Masaryk University Language Centre runs several language courses, including the Czech language for foreigners.

Faculty of Sports Studies offers theoretical and also sports preparatory courses which help the applicants to succeed during entrance exams and further during their studies.


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