Project information
Interventions into the proces of pedagogical skills development in student teaching at training school


This project doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Education. Official project website can be found on
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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2003 - 12/2005
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
Other MU Faculty/Unit
Language Centre

The aim of the project i to suggest efficient interventions into the process of student teaching skills development during their teaching practices in training schools. The interventions are going to be projected to support individual student development, student educational teaching experiments, self-reflection and sefl-regulations. The projekt will analyse interventions that have currently been implemented by teacher trainers and subject methodologists, and it will look into new psychological methodology, pedeutology, educational psychology. The latest information and experience of the research team are to be implemented. Such analyses are going to be an integral part of the research project. All the suggested inteventions will be tested in practical school environment. The main result of th project will consist in developing effective intervention methods in the process of student teaching skill development during their teaching practices in training schools. At the same time, the project will encourage more effective learning of the principles and regularities of the development of individual tgeacher trainees´ educational skills and the development of a syllabus for teacher trainer courses in training schools.


Total number of publications: 115

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