Project information
Geochemical and tectonic model of fluid migration in the paleozoic of Moravo-Silesian region
- Project Identification
- GA205/00/0356
- Project Period
- 1/2000 - 1/2002
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Science
- Cooperating Organization
Museum of National History and Art in Olomouc
- Responsible person Ing. Pavel Novotný
- Responsible person doc. RNDr. Jiří Zimák, CSc.
The aim of the study is to set up the model of paleofluids flow and their physico-chemical properties in the Paleozoic of the Moravo-Silesian region. The results will be correlated with the other Variscan orogens with respect to specific geological envir onments and will be determined general genetic trends. The research is right linked with similar investigation running in the Rhenohercynian in Belgium. Specialists in the team will be responsible for particular research methods. The course of project wi ll be divided into stages as follow: in field (I, II, II, laboratory (I, II, II, interpretation (running), correlation (running), publication and presentation of results (running and final). Till now unused methods will be applied in the investigated reg ion. Consequentely, the obtained knowledge will have, in theoretical fields, the principal impact upon a metallogenetic position of studied mineralizations and clearing history of geological units as well. In practical fields, the new knowledge may sugg
Total number of publications: 50
Kalcit-markazitová mineralizace s uzavřeninami uhlovodíků v kulmských drobách u Hrabůvky, Nízký Jeseník
Sborník abstraktů z konference Slovensko-česko-poľské mineralogicko-petrograficko-ložiskové dni, year: 2002
Metalogeneze moravskoslezského paleozoika s ohledem na polymetalické nízkoteplotní mineralizace
Sborník "Česká ložisková geologie na počátku 3. tisíciletí", year: 2002
Mineralogické lokality na severní Moravě a ve Slezsku opomíjené sběrateli (VII) - Bušín
Minerál, year: 2002, volume: 10, edition: 2
Mineralogie a geneze rudního výskytu od Nectavy
Sborník "Mineralogie Českého masivu a Západních Karpat", year: 2002
Nástin tektonické stavby severní části Moravského krasu
Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku, year: 2002, volume: 9, edition: -
Podmínky vzniku hydrotermální kalcit-křemen-sulfidické mineralizace u Hranic
Geol. Výzk. Mor. Slez. v r. 2001, year: 2002, volume: 9, edition: -
Polymetalická mineralizace na jv. okraji kulmu Nízkého Jeseníku
Sborník abstraktů Moravskoslezské paleozoikum 2002, year: 2002
Regional extension of hydrothermal veins - result of an important deformation event in the Moravosilesian Paleozoic
Geolines, 14, year: 2002, volume: 14, edition: 1
Sediment-hosted Zn-Pb mineralisation between the Bohemian Massif and the West Carpathian system: geotectonic and structural constraints
Abstracts of the Workshop on geodynamic setting of major basin-hosted lead-zinc mineral provinces (Project GEODE), Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain, June 6-10, 2002, year: 2002
Skarnoidní horniona z Obřích skal v Hrubém Jeseníku
Časopis Slezského zemského muzea (A), year: 2002, volume: 51, edition: 1