Naplánovaná kinematografie. Český filmový průmysl 1945 až 1960

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Title in English Planned Cinema. The Czech Film Industry 1945 - 1960


Year of publication 2012
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation SKOPAL, Pavel. Naplánovaná kinematografie. Český filmový průmysl 1945 až 1960 (Planned Cinema. The Czech Film Industry 1945 - 1960). Praha: Academia, 2012, 560 pp. Šťastné zítřky. ISBN 978-80-200-2096-3.
Description The presented essays, based on an extensive archival research, analyse the Czech cinema industry of the late 1940s and 1950s. The individual topics cover production and distribution practices of the film industry, analysis of the production culture of Barrandov studio, the introduction of co-production model of film production, the specific "purpose driven" production of the studios Short film and Army film, the institutional establishing of production for children, film festival in Karlovy Vary, Film festival for working people, the process of cinefication, travelling cinemas, the relation between Czechoslovak cinema industry and Czechoslovak television, and the history of Film spring in the village.
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