Bacterial Growth on Chitosan-Coated Polypropylene Textile


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ERBEN Dan HOLÁ Veronika JAROŠ Josef RÁHEĽ Jozef

Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ISRN Microbiology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Biophysics
Keywords DBD; DCSBD; biofouling; chitosan
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Description Biofouling is a problem common in all systems where microorganisms and aqueous environment meet. Prevention of biofouling is therefore important in many industrial processes. The aim of this study was to develop a method to evaluate the ability of material coating to inhibit biofilm formation. Chitosan-coated polypropylene nonwoven textile was prepared using dielectric barrier discharge plasma activation. Resistance of the textile to biofouling was then tested. First, the textile was submerged into a growth medium inoculated with green fluorescein protein labelled Pseudomonas aeruginosa. After overnight incubation at 33 C, the textile was observed using confocal laser scanning microscopy for bacterial enumeration and biofilm structure characterisation. In the second stage, the textile was used as a filter medium for prefiltered river water, and the pressure development on the in-flow side was measured to quantify the overall level of biofouling. In both cases, nontreated textile samples were used as a control. The results indicate that the chitosan coating exhibits antibacterial properties. The developed method is applicable for the evaluation of the ability to inhibit biofilm formation.
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