Efekt intervenčního programu na vybrané kondiční a koordinační schopnosti u sledovaných jedinců v období sénia (případová studie)

Title in English The effect of intervention program on selected condition and coordination abilities at observed individuals at the period of seniority


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia sportiva
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords Senior; condition abilities; coordination abilities; intervention programme
Description The case study deals with the influence of six months intervention program onto the change of the level of static and dynamic balance, orientation in the space and the strength of lower limbs at selected individuals in the period of seniority. These abilities are considered to be limiting in the life of seniors. The complex was created by four individuals, two men and two women at the age of 88, 83, 81, 82. The needed datas to judge the level of monitoring locomotive abilities we obtained before and after finishing locomotive intervention by the help of six choosen standart motoric test. This intervention locomotive programme lasted for six months, it was carried out twice a week always 60 minutes. The level of static balance got worse at three individuals also after pointed exercises. This ability was proved as the most susceptible by health problems and by evolutionary process. At any of individuals was not proved any decreasing of the level of dynamic balance, space orientation or the strength of lower limbs.

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