Věkové a mezipohlavní rozdíly v rozměrech zubního oblouku dolní čelisti nedospělých jedinců: Brněnská sbírka sádrových ortodontických modelů chrupu
Title in English | Age and Sex Differences in Mandibular Dental Arch Measurements in Subadults: Brno Collection of Orthodontic Dental Plaster Casts |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2011 |
Type | Article in Periodical |
Magazine / Source | Anthropologia Integra |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
web | http://anthrop.sci.muni.cz/UserFiles/Clanky//2011/55_Vekove-a-mezipohlavni-rozdily-v-rozmerech-zubniho.pdf |
Field | Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology |
Keywords | sexual dimorphism; subadult skeleton; dental arch; mandible |
Description | The evaluation of sex differences in mandibular development of subadult skeletons is one of the few possible methods of determining sex using morphological characteristics. In this cross-sectional study, we attempted to morphometrically investigate age differences and to confirm the existence of sexual dimorphism using the size and shape of mandibular dental arch in subadults from a recent Czech population. The sample consisted of 163 plaster casts of mandibles from orthodontic patients in the Brno Collection of Orthodontic Den-tal Plaster Casts, selected on the basis of the degree of tooth eruption and the absence of visible pathological conditions in the I(i)1–M1 range. The younger age category ranging from 7,5 years to 9,5 years accounted for 77 cases (35 males and 42 females) and the older age category rang- ing from 14 to 20 years accounted for 86 cases (36 males and 50 females). The size and shape of the dental arch was evaluated using standar- dized photographs of the occlusal plane by employing eleven dimensions, with landmarks on central incisors, canines and first permanent molars. Shape was evaluated using six indices. The mean size of the dental arch was smaller in females than in males in the same age category. In the older age category the sexual dimorphism was slightly greater, but did not exceed 5% in most measurements. Differences between age categories cannot be explained as a simple reflection of increasing size of the mandible with postnatal growth. The length of the distal segment of the dental arch (C(c)–M1 range) is shorter in the older category in both sexes. This could be caused by crowding of mesial teeth, with gradual eruption of distal teeth. Sex differences were not recorded in most shape indices, except for the Canine Protrusion Index in the younger age category. Canine protrusion from the arch in the buccal direction was greater in females than in males. |
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