Problematika kultivace mikroskopických vláknitých řas rodu Klebsormidium a jejich ontogeneze


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Title in English The problems in cultivation of filamentous microalgae of genus Klebsormidium and their ontogeny

PERÚTKOVÁ Kateřina UHER Bohuslav

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Študentská vedecká konferencia PriF UK 2011, Zborník recenzovaných príspevkov
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Botany
Keywords Cultivation; filamentous algae; Klebsormidium; ontogeny; urban habitat
Description Filamentous algae of the genus Klebsormidium belong to cosmopolitan widespread species. This taxon is one of the main component of aerophytic synusia in urban habitats. The representatives of genus Klebsormidium inhabit various substrates like soil, stone, concrete and freshwater habitats. Classification of the genus Klebsormidium is based entirely on morphology, phylogeny is rarely explaned. The aim was to increase the efficiency of cultivation of filamentous algae of genus Klebsormidium and to know their ontogeny in laboratory condition. This means induction and observation of reproductive process and the resulting reconstruction of the life cycle.
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