Comparative karyological analysis of four diplozoid species (Monogenea, Diplozoidae), gill parasites of cyprinid fishes

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Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Parasitology Research
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation Chyba/Error
Field Zoology
Keywords karyology; Diplozoidae;Abramis;chromosomy
Description The present study has revealed new data on chromosome complements of diplozoid parasites, namely Diplozoon paradoxum from freshwater bream Abramis brama, Paradiplozooon bliccae from white bream Blicca bjoerkna, Paradiplozoon sapae from white-eye bream Ballerus sapa, and Paradiplozoon nagibinae from zope Ballerus ballerus. Particularly, D. paradoxum is characterized by four pairs (2n=8) of long (up to 22,1 um) chromosomes: pairs 1, 2, and 3 are metacentric and pair 4 acrocentric. Karyotypes of three Paradiplozoon species are nearly identical in number and morphological classification of chromosomes, each comprising diploid number of 14 one armed chromosomes of very similar length ranging up to 12,5 um in P. bliccae, 9,2 um in P. sapae, and 9,9 um in P. nagibinae. All four species are similar in their total complement length, ranging from 64,4 to 50,4 um. Interspecific differences were found in location of secondary constriction: it is situated on short arm of the 1st chromosome pair in D. paradoxum, on long arm of the 7th pair in P. bliccae and on long arm of the 4th pairs in P. sapae and P.nagibinae. Phylogenetic interrelationship within the diplozoids and hypothetic karyotype evolution is here discussed.
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