Practicing reflexivity in the study of Italian migrants in London


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SEGANTI Francesca Romana

Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source The Qualitative Report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Italian immigrants; New media; Reflexivity
Description This article discusses the centrality of reflexivity in qualitative research through examples from my study on the role new media play in the lives of Italians in London. My hypothesis was that Italians were “in transit” in London and they were using new media to build “temporary” communities. I conducted in-depth interviews with members of the online community. I found they settled in London and the online community, instead of supporting “nomadic” identities, was used for re-territorialization. Through reflexivity I was able to determine the reasons for a partially wrong hypothesis. I also identified biases that clouded my interpretations of the object of study; thus promoting rich insight and enabling public scrutiny of the integrity of the research.
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