Social adaptation of children in the school environment: The problems and disturbances


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Year of publication 2006
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The paper focuses on the issues of maladaptation of children in the school environment, which can be associated with their academic failure. An empirical study was conducted, aimed on the relationships of anxiety, depression, adaptation problems, and academic failure. The sample of children aged between 10 and 15 year completed the Depression scale of the Child Behavior Checklist by T. M. Achenbach and C. Edelbrock, the child version of the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Scale and a nomination technique for school class. Internalized and externalized problems in children s behavior were identified; these problems might be interconnected and associated with school achievement. There is a prospect to successful correction of the adaptation problems due to developing self-reflection at the children.
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