A telescoping principle for oscillation of the second order half-linear dynamic equations on time scales

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Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation VÍTOVEC, Jiří. A telescoping principle for oscillation of the second order half-linear dynamic equations on time scales. Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications. Bratislava: Mathematical Institute SAS, 2009, vol. 43, No 1, p. 243-255. ISSN 1210-3195.
web http://tatra.mat.savba.sk/
Field General mathematics
Keywords half-linear dynamic equation; telescoping principle; oscillation criteria
Description We establish the so-called ``telescoping principle" for oscillation of the second order half-linear dynamic equation $$\Bl[r(t)\Phi\bl(x^{\Delta }\br)\Br]^\Delta + c(t)\Phi(x^\sigma)=0$$ on a time scale. This principle provides a method enabling us to construct many new oscillatory equations. Unlike previous works concerning the telescoping principle, we formulate some oscillation results under the weaker assumption $r(t)\not=0$ (instead $r(t)>0$).
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