Sídliště kultury s moravskou malovanou keramikou u Šebkovic a jeho přínos k absolutnímu datování mladého neolitu na Českomoravské vrchovině
Title in English | The site of the Moravian Painted Ware Culture at Šebkovice and its contribution to absolute dating of the Late Neolithic in Czech-Moravian Highland |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2009 |
Type | Article in Periodical |
Magazine / Source | Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. soc. |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | Chyba/Error |
web | odkaz na .pdf soubor |
Field | Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology |
Keywords | Neolithic - Lengyel Culture - Pottery - Stone industry - Animal bones - Absolute chronology |
Description | This article presents the Moravian Painted Ware Culture site at Šebkovice. The charcoal sample from filling of settlement sunken feature yielded an absolute date, which allows a comparison with other sites from the same time-span within the Middle Danube Region. |
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