Od výcviku sebeobrany založeného na víře přes zkušenost k důkazům

Title in English From belief through experience to evidence-based self-defence training


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Zvládání extrémních situací
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords belief; experience; evidence-based; self-defence training
Description This article describes three fundamental approaches to self-defence training. At the lowest level of evolution is self-defence training based on belief. Belief is irrational and without direct relation to reality. Self-defence training based on experience is close to reality and grows out of reality. At the highest level of evolution is self-defence training based on evidence. Currently, there is not enough scientific information to achieve this level. This approach calls for close co-operation between security forces and the academic community.

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