Rekonstrukce konceptu konfliktních linií ve vztahové perspektivě


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Title in English The Reconstruction of Cleavage Concept in the Relational Perspective


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Politologický časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web Politologický časopis- obsah
Field Political sciences
Keywords cleavage concept; de-alignment; intersecting circles; new social movements; political participation; Rokkan; collective identity; structuralism
Description The aim of this article is to offer such a reformulation of particular elements of cleavage concept, which can be fruitfully aplied to the reflection of certain contemporary social and political processes. In following sections I will argue that (1) by focusing on social ties and relations this reformulation of the Rokkan s ontological assumptions has greater potential to reflect processes as: the intersection of social circles; the attraction of political actors which can be taken as nodes in contemporary social structure and can acumulate and aggregate individuals with different socio-structural background; or the electorate re-alignment/de-alignment processes. (2) With understanding democratization as a positive discourse extension and "not as a product but a special condition of public politics", next aim of this article will be also to discuss the role of extra-institutional political participation and selected non-state actors in contemporary decision-making process.
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