Changes of Learning styles in E-larning Course at Faculty of Sport Studies



Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ICERI2008 Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Changes of learning styles - Vermunts ILS (Inventory of Learning Styles) - e-learning course
Description In our experiment we applied Vermunts questionnaire of Inventory of Learning Styles in e-learning course -Prescription of Physic Activities in Diseases and Disabilities. In this article we aimed to distinctness in access to learning styles between 2 groups of students. Experimental group: 46 students used in education e-learning course. And control group with classical way of face-to-face teaching with 51 students. There are combinations of 4 elements: cognitive processing strategies-cognition, metacognitive regulation strategies-metacognition, conceptions of learning-views about teaching and learning, and learning orientations-motivation. For comparison between two groups we used these statistical methods: t-test and Pearson correlation coefficients and Cohens d-size of effect. In conclusion there is discussion about our findings: changes of learning styles and comparison of two groups and our recommendations for designers of e-learning courses.

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