DiProNN Resource Management System

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Informatics. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference MEMICS 2008
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web http://www.memics.cz/2008/
Field Use of computers, robotics and its application
Keywords DiProNN; DiProNN resource management system; DiProNN resources; resource allocations; Ganglia
Description The Distributed Programmable Network Node (DiProNN) we proposed earlier allows user-controlled processing of passing user data in a network. The node takes advantages of virtualization principles, which make DiProNN being able to accept not only standalone active programs (the programs performing the stream processing), but the whole virtual machines with their own operating systems, and their own set of active programs running inside them. Furthermore, thanks to the virtualization principles we proposed innovative programming model which makes the programming of complex stream processing applications for DiProNN much easier. However, when the node is being used in multiuser environment, the users must share its limited resources, namely its CPU time, network I/O, disk I/O, and memory subsystem. In this paper, we present the resource management (RM) system of the DiProNN node including resource discovery process performed during node startup. Furthermore, we present the specification of DiProNN users' resource requests and DiProNN resources reservation process itself. In the end of the paper, we briefly describe the DiProNN prototype implementation enhanced by the resource management system described.
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