Indexing Metric Spaces

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ZEZULA Pavel BATKO Michal DOHNAL Vlastislav

Year of publication 2009
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Citation ZEZULA, Pavel, Michal BATKO and Vlastislav DOHNAL. Indexing Metric Spaces. In Encyclopedia of Database Systems. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2009, p. 1-4. Database Management and Information Retrieval. ISBN 978-0-387-49616-0.
Description The Encyclopedia of Databases, a comprehensive work, provides easy access to relevant information on all aspects of very large databases. This encyclopedia features alphabetical organization of concepts covering main areas of very large databases. These 1000 entries offer convenient access to information in the field of databases with definitions and illustrations of basic terminology, concepts, methods, and algorithms, references to literature, and cross-references to other entries and journal articles. Topics for the encyclopedia were selected by a distinguished international advisory board, and written by world class experts in the field. The Encyclopedia of Databases is designed to meet the needs of research scientists, professors and graduate-level students in computer science and engineering. This encyclopedia is also suitable for practitioners in industry.
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