Attitudes to sports activities in life and their developement



Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 4 th FIEP European Congress
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords sports actities ; attitudes
Description The aim of our study was to examine what the attitudes of students of Masaryk University to sports activities in their lives are, how physical activity in their families influenced these attitudes, what the students present views on the system and organization of physical education at university are and how important sport in their lifes is. We want to examine how parents and their childrens attitudes to sports activities are related, as well as whether students are satisfied with physical activity in their families. We also investigated respondents attitudes to the offer of sports activities at university. We want to state, upon the analysis of research results, whether atittudes of students to sports activities change or not in dependence on the possibility of taking part in sports lessons at university where lesson content and management is very different from lessons at primary or secondary schools.

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