Dolphin - a Knowledge base for Transparent Intensional Logic

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Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of IWCS 2007
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Citation GARDOŇ, Andrej and Aleš HORÁK. Dolphin - a Knowledge base for Transparent Intensional Logic. In Proceedings of IWCS 2007. Tilburg, Netherlands: University of Tilburg, 2007, p. 316-319. ISBN 90-74029-31-0.
Field Informatics
Keywords transparent intensional logic; knowledge base
Description This paper describes the design of newly developed Dolphin system for effective implementation of a knowledge base and question answering based on the transparent intensional logic (TIL). TIL is a high-order logic with a hierarchy of types made for representing all natural language phenomena like intensionality, temporality or belief attitudes. In the text, we will introduce the database acting as a knowledge base for inference in TIL. The time aspect of the truth value of propositions will be mentioned and basic ``thinking'' capabilities of the Dolphin system will be exemplified.
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