Rodina a zaměstnání II.Mladé rodiny. (Deskriptivní fáze analýzy)


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Family and Employment II. Young Families. (Descriptive analysis.)


Year of publication 2007
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description This study represents one of the five research reports based on the series of the empirical surveys, which were realized within the project 'Family, employment and education'. The aim of these empirical surveys focused on the selected types of families in the selected periods of the life cycle was to explore the connections between the aspirations and living strategies in the field of professional life, family and education. This study is intentionally of a descriptive character, using the basic statistical methods of analysis. The intention was to describe complex behavioural patterns in the given fields of life. Thus the study provides a ground for practical applications or for another similarly focused research. The study was focused on the married couples (also repetitive marriages) where both partners are of age between 20 and 36 years. Three quarters of respondents were meant to have at least one child of age between 3 and 7 years, and one quarter was meant to be childless. The main interest was devoted to the domain of norms, values and attitudes; living strategies and future plans; current situation in the family and partner relationship, employment and education and to the connected sources of tensions and barriers. The family policy and preferences of respondents in this respect were explored as well.
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