New clients for dictionary writing on the DEB platform


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Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference DWS 2006: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Dictionary Writings Systems
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web Proceedings
Field Informatics
Keywords DEB; WordNet; lexical database; XML; dictionary writing system; dictionary
Description In this presentation, we offer an overview of the new clients based on the XML database system called DEBII. Thanks to the versatile nature of the XML format this platform enables us to develop various applications, namely the management (editing, browsing and other functions) of the electronic readable dictionaries, WordNet-like lexical databases as well as ontologies for Semantic Web applications. First, we characterize the main features of the whole DEBII dictionary writing platform, and then the implementation strategies of both server and client part of the DEBII platform are briefly described. Second, we present the following tools/clients: 1. DEBVisDic – which allows to handle different lexical resources and can be used as an appropriate tool for future standardisation of WordNet-like databases, 2. PRALED – a client for building the Czech Lexical Database, 3. DEBDict – a browser for parallel viewing of several electronic dictionaries, 4. DEB CPA browser and editor – a client for development of corpus patterns of verbs, and 5. DEB TEDI tool – a client for building the Czech Terminological Dictionary. For each of the mentioned DEB clients we give their main features and briefly describe their functionality.
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