Invasions by alien plants in the Czech Republic: a quantitative assessment across habitats


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Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Preslia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Botany
Keywords archaeophytes; EUNIS; habitat invasibility; level of invasion; neophytes; phytosociological
Description Occurrence of alien plant species in all the major habitats in the Czech Republicwas analysed using a data set of 20,468 vegetation plots, classified into 32 habitats according to the EUNIS classification. The plots contain on average 9.0% archaeophytes and 2.3% neophytes; for neophytes, this proportion is much smaller than 26.8% reported for the total flora of the country. Most neophytes are found in a few habitats: only 5.6% of them were recorded in more than ten habitats. By contrast, archaeophytes, and especially native species, tend to occur in a broader range of habitats. Highest numbers of aliens were found on arable land, in annual synantropic vegetation, trampled habitats and anthropogenic tall-forb stands. These habitats contain on average 2256% archaeophytes and 4.49.6% neophytes. Neophytes are also common in artificial broadleaved forestry plantations; they also tend to make up a high percentage of the cover in wet tall-forb stands, but are represented by fewer species there. Entirely or nearly free of aliens are plots located in raised bogs, alpine grasslands, alpine and subalpine scrub and natural coniferouswoodlands. Correlations between the number of archaeophytes or neophytes and the number of native species, calculated with habitat mean values, were non-significant, but there was a positive correlation between the numbers of archaeophytes and neophytes. The ratio of archaeophytes to neophyteswas high in semi-natural dry and mesic grasslands and low in disturbed habitats with woody vegetation, such as artificial broadleaved forestry plantations, forest clearings and riverine willow stands. When individual plots were compared separately within habitats, the relationships between the number of archaeophytes, neophytes and native species were mostly positive. This result does not support the hypothesis that species- rich communities are less invasible, at least at the scale of vegetation plots, i.e. 100102 m2.
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