Reflexe vztahu výchovy ke zdraví a environmentální edukace v kurikulárních dokumentech ČR


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Title in English Education to health relationship reflection and environmental education in curricular documents of the Czech republic


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Teachers and Health 6
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords health; environmental education; education to health; curricular documents
Description For the concept of the quality of life, the feeling of comfort stemming from individual physical, mental and social composure is essential. Hence yields that the quality of life is given by the individual life reality sujective perception. Based on self-reflective mension limited by physical, mental and spiritual human existence, we can say that health is one of the basic category of the life quality. The right to health and to healthy environment is based in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. A relation between quality of healthy environment and health might be recognized from the point of view of the environmental problematics. These questions are solved by Agenda 21 of the Johannesburg Declaration world wide and by the Action Plan SPEVVO in the Czech Republic. In this paper, we try to get to know if and in which way these topics are subjects of the basic educational programs and the newly agreed General Educational Program of the basic education.
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