Charakteristika zátěže a energetická náročnost horolezeckých disciplin a jejich vzájemná korelace

Title in English Characteristic of load and energy heftiness of mountain climbing disciplines


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník Sportovně pohybové aktivity ve vztahu ke zdraví a kvalitě života
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords mountain-climbing; energy release;intensity of stress
Description Authors are propouding study about energy heftiness and about response of organism during transaction of 3 different mountain-climbing discipline. The lowest value of energy consumption per time unit are during rock climbing. Higher values werw found during climbing at artificialwalls and top values during mountain-climbing.Maximal values of cardial rate were noted during cimbing at artificial walls.

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