Pokroky v počítačovém modelování interakcí dvou a více molekul. Příklady z oblasti cyklodextrinu.


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Progresses in computer modeling of the interaction of two and more molecules. Examples from chemistry of cyclodextrin molecules.

KOČA Jaroslav KŘÍŽ Zdeněk LUDIN Martin IMBERTY Anne

Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Chemické listy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web http://chemicke-listy.vscht.cz
Field Physical chemistry and theoretical chemistry
Keywords Molecular modeling; cyclodextrin; docking; conformational search
Description The lecture show the methods for modeling of interactions of two or more molecules. The methods of cumputer simulations - Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics will be discussed. Next part of the lecture show the combination of docking method with systematic conformational search method implemented in program CICADA. The method is tested on complex of catechine with beta-cyclodextrine molecules.
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