Non-Watson-Crick Basepairing and Hydration in RNA Motifs:


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RÉBLOVÁ Kamila SPACKOVÁ Nadezda STEFL Richard CSASZAR Kristina KOCA Jaroslav LEONTIS Neocles SPONER Jiri

Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Biophysical Journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Biophysics
Keywords molecular dynamics simulations; Loop E motifs; non-Watson-Crick base pairs; ordered hydration; 5S rRNA.
Description Internal loops are common elements of RNA secondary structure. They often form binding sites for metals, proteins and other RNAs. To under-stand the effects of internal loops on RNA structure and function, we have carried out molecular dynamics simula-tions on two RNA Eloop motifs
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