The rich diversity of monogeneans on catostomid fishes (Catostomoidei, Cypriniformes): A first insight into the internal phylogeny of the Pseudomurraytrematidae

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Year of publication 2024
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description A survey was initiated to investigate the diversity of monogeneans infecting North American catostomid fishes. Fifteen catostomid species from seven US states (Arkansas, Illinois, Michigan, Mis¬sissippi, New York, Texas, and Wisconsin), the Canadian province of Québec, and northern Mexico have been surveyed to date. Ten of the fifteen species of catostomids examined were positive for pseudomurraytrematid parasites. A total of 23 monogenean species across three genera (Anonchohaptor, Icelanonchohaptor, and Pseudomurraytrema) were collected from the gills and/or fins of the examined catostomid hosts. Pseudomurraytrema was the most di¬verse genus with twelve species, followed by Anonchohaptor with seven species and Icelanonchohaptor with four species. The great¬est species richness of monogeneans was recorded on Hypentelium nigricans (Arkansas), which hosted four species of Pseudomurray¬trema, and Ictiobus bubalus (Illinois, Mississippi, Texas) hosted three species of Anonchohaptor and one species of Icelanonchohap¬tor. Most species of the Pseudomurraytrematidae were recorded on gills, only three species of Icelanonchohaptor were found on fins of the examined hosts (Carpiodes carpio, I. bubalus, Ictiobus niger). A phylogenetic analysis including all 23 species of the Pseudomur¬raytrematidae and five species of the Diplectanidae used as an outgroup revealed two well-supported clades: One represented by species of Pseudomurraytrema from species of Catostominae (Catostomus, Erimyzon, Hypentelium, Minytrema, and Moxostoma), another included species of Anonchohaptor and Icelanonchohaptor mostly from the Ictiobinae (Carpiodes, Catostomus, Ictiobus, Miny¬trema, Moxostoma). Pseudomurraytrema asiaticus parasitizing Chi¬nese sucker, Myxocyprinus asiaticus, was in basal position to the Nearctic Pseudomurraytrematidae, suggesting that this species represents an earlier evolutionary branch within this family.
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