Reactive agility of U19 female basketball players and its relationship with speed and power



Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Current trends and innovations in kinesiology research: Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Citation VENCÚRIK, Tomáš, Dominik BOKŮVKA, Jiří PETRŮ, Marcos MICHAELIDES, Koulla PARPA and Ana Carolina PALUDO. Reactive agility of U19 female basketball players and its relationship with speed and power. Online. In Dario Novar, Dario Škegro. Current trends and innovations in kinesiology research: Proceedings. Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology, 2024, p. 648-651. ISBN 978-953-317-081-7.
Keywords Y-shaped test; vertical jumps; reactive agility; change of direction speed
Description This study aimed to find a relationship between the reactive agility of U19 female basketball players and speed and power characteristics. This study involved twelve U19 female basketball players from the first division who participated in various tests aimed at evaluating different aspects of their physical performance. These tests included assessments of power through the squat jump, countermovement jump, and drop jump, linear speed through 5, 10, and 20-meter sprints, change of direction speed through the 505 test, and reactive agility through the Y-shaped test. The correlation coefficient showed a large association (r = 0.64, p = 0.02) between the Y-shaped test and the 20 m linear sprint. The Association of the Y-shaped test with other power and speed tests was small or moderate. These findings suggest that basketball coaches working with young female players can leverage the enhancement of reactive agility to concurrently develop linear speed.
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