Jednotná přijímací zkouška z pohledu žáků-cizinců


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Title in English The Unified Entrance Examination from the Perspective of Foreign Pupils


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XVI. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords foreign pupils; the common entrance examination; mathematics; Czech language and literature; Czech as a second language; vocabulary; adaptation; adaptation; text; didactic test; statistics; didactics; practice
Description The paper deals with the topic of fluctuation of foreign pupils during the transition between primary and secondary school. Based on a comparison of the vocabulary of the unified entrance examination (CERMAT) in Czech language and literature, entitlement support for selected groups of pupils and the number of foreign pupils leaving the education system every year after graduating from the 9th grade, it will point out the too high obstacles that put these pupils in a group highly at risk of school and life failure.
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